
Shipping,Return & Cancellation Policy

The standard dispatch time is 3 working days from the date of order confimration for all products except for Outdoor casuals. Standard dispatch time for outdoor casuals and for, if any other alterations or modificatins, as requested by the customer and accepted by us, is 3 - 7 working days. 

If an order has a mix of outdoor casuals and other products, dispatch time of Outdoor casuals will be applicable.

On an average, the delivery time will be 3 to maximum 12 working days.

Non working days, include Saturdays, Sundays and all approved holidays by the government of State of Kerala and other national holidays.

An order is considered as confirmed when a customer makes a payment and once an order is confirmed, it cannot be cancelled. We do not encourage return for any of our products as we take utmost care in ensuring high-quality standards for all of our products. However, if any customer has recieved damaged or defective product, they can initiate an exchange request. Please go through the exchange policy available in the website for details.
